How to Use Toby's PL/SQL Editor.
This page is still under construction. Please be patient and hopefully it will eventually become a more useful aid.
An example This example of a package body file is not complete, but it should give you an idea of how to write a package body file that has the correct outline and parsing etc.
An example of a pkg file (that contains both header and body in one) can be seen here.
Directory structure for you pl sql code. The best thing you can do is have your schemas in separate directories - one directory per schema. This way it will be easy for the editor to find all of your packages per schema.
Package Naming Format The editor expects your package files to be named schemaname_pkgname.pkb. If you don't name them in this way, there is no guarantee that the editor will correctly assign your package to its schema. You can override this by going to the preferences and assigning particular packages to particular files.
Database access support. There are several components of database access support.
Configuring default access to the database These connection details will be used by each project if you do not set project specific connection settings. They can be overridden by specifying project specific properties. This involves navigating to the Database Connectivity Setup Preference Page within the PL/SQL Preferences. Once you have navigated there, you must specify an Oracle driver. The default driver that is supplied with the plugin is "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver". You must also specify the database connect url. It must be in the format "jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:SID" where the hostname is the name of your database host (or localhost if local), the 1521 should map to your database port (although usually 1521 is the correct port - it is the default) and SID is your Service Identifier, the database id if you will. You can leave the initial and max connections as 1 and 1, since I don't think it should be possible to use more than one at a time within the eclipse architecture. This is built in for future enhancements where the same connection might be used for separate purposes.
Configuring the dba user for database procedure/function content assist This involves modifying the user name and password on the same Database Connectivity Setup Preferences Page. This can also be overridden per project on the project properties Database Connectivity Setup Properties Page. The user name and password here should have dba access so they can query the schema, package and procedure tables to allow content assist to present these methods to the user.
Configuring each schema to
allow upload of code to the database.
The way that this had to be done prior to release 0.4.0 involved modifying
the schema objects in the Schema Mapping Preference Page screen
located on the properties page of a PlSql project. Each project may
have different schemas, so each project will need to be configured
individually. Each schema has a name, a list of comma separated
locations and a password. The schema name is the user and the
password is the password for that user. The database connection
string is the same as the dba database connection string and the
driver is the same too. By setting the password for a schema, you
allow yourself to upload code for that schema.
If this
description is too brief, try a visually
guided walkthrough.
HOWEVER, NEW FEATURE! As of 0.4.0 you can right click in the editor of the open file you wish to
set to a new schema and select the <Change Schema for Package> item from the popup menu.
This will allow you to specify the name of the package (which you can change to whatever package
name you want, although it will be defaulted to the name it believes is correct) and the schema.
This will update the schema mappings to allow code loading and schema DML to be executed.
The old way still works, but the new way is much easier.
Database Execution
Executing sql to the database You can execute the selected block of text as a set of commands to the database by selecting the block of text and pressing Ctrl-Alt-E or right clicking and selecting Execute PL/SQL from the immediate menu. You may also execute a block separated by empty lines above and below by having the cursor on the block between the empty lines and pressing Ctrl-Alt-E or right clicking and selecting Execute PL/SQL from the immediate menu.
Loading a file to the database The editor allows you to load the package body or header that is currently open to the database. In the main preferences page (seen here) you can choose whether the load to database action should ask you to save a dirty file before continuing. There are three options
Viewing DBMS Output You
can turn dbms output on for each schema in which you are working.
In order to see (turn on) any dbms output you must open a file that
refers to that schema (and you can check this by pressing the
“Display Debug Information” button ().
Then you must open the DbmsOutput view (in Show View). Once this is
open you must press the button to turn it on (seen in this image)
and respond yes to the dialog
asking you if you want to turn on that dbms output. This can be
used a a double check to ensure you are turning on dbms output for
the right schema. Turning it off simply uses the other button on
the view.
Code Editing
Code Folding Currently the
plsqleditor provides code folding so that you can right click on a
selected block and make it folding. You can also specify a code
fold by typing in the correct format folding. This is in the format
of the string "--#startFolding" on a line all by
itself to start and the string "--#endFolding" on
a line all by itself to finish.
Code folding will be
updated eventually when I have implemented a parser, so that code
folding will also fold on blocks, ifs, loops, functions etc.
Uppercasing You can uppercase by pressing the uppercase button on the toolbar, or right clicking and selecting uppercase from the PlSqlEdit menu, or pressing Ctrl-Alt-U while you have selected the block to uppercase.
Lowercasing You can lowercase by pressing the lowercase button on the toolbar, or right clicking and selecting lowercase from the PlSqlEdit menu, or pressing Ctrl-Alt-O while you have selected the block to lowercase.
Commenting Code You can add a comment (--) to a line, or series of lines by right clicking and selecting "add a single comment to the beginning of the line" from the PlSqlEdit menu, or pressing Ctrl-/ while you have the cursor over the line you want commented, or you have selected a block to comment.
Uncommenting Code You can remove a comment (--) from a line, or series of lines by right clicking and selecting "remove a single comment from the beginning of the line" from the PlSqlEdit menu, or pressing Ctrl-Shift-/ while you have the cursor over the line you want uncommented, or you have selected a block to uncomment.
Shifting Code left and right You can shift a set of lines of code right by selecting the block of code you wish shifted and pressing Tab. The functionality is also available in the right click popup menu under the name "Shift Right". This will shift the code one tab to the right. You can shift the code to the left similarly by pressing Shift-Tab, or selecting the "Shift Left" action from the right click popup menu.
Generating Headers for package bodies The editor allows you to generate headers for package body files. In the main preferences page (seen here) you can choose whether the header generation action should ask you to save a dirty file before continuing. There are three options
Auto completing procedures and functions You can auto complete functions with the standard Ctrl-Space content assist. The format that these come out in depends on the settings you select from the Formatting Preferences (seen here).
Pl Documentation Generation
You can generate PL Doc documentation within the plsqleditor plugin. In order to do this, you must already have downloaded pldoc from somewhere. A possible site is
Once you have downloaded the pldoc tool, you can configure it using the Pldoc Preferences page, located under the PL/SQL Preferences section of the Eclipse Preferences.
Most of the fields to enter are fairly obvious.
The Path should be the directory that contains the pldoc.bat or script.
The Use of the output directory Radio Group allows you to configure the output directory in one of three ways:
Absolute – this means that ALL files you execute pldoc on will be output to the same directory. I don't recommend this, but if you are in a hurry, or wish to specify something very specific for some purpose, you can do this.
Local File System Relative. This assumes that the value you supply in the Output Directory field is a fully qualified directory. It treats that values as a base directory. Then underneath this base directory, it will append a copycat set of directories to mimic the directory structure under the project owning the file (including the project directory). So, if you have a project at “DRIVE:/dev/eclipse/workspace/my_project” and you specify an output directory called “DRIVE:/pldoc”, and you try to generate pldoc for a file located at “myschema/myschema_mypackage.pkh” then the output files will be generated at “DRIVE:/pldoc/my_project/myschema”.
Project Relative. This will take whatever value you supply in the Output Directory field and append it as a directory (or set of directories) to the project that contains the file. Then underneath this base directory, it will append a copycat set of directories to mimic the directory structure under the project owning the file (not including the project directory, which is already higher up). So, if you have a project at “DRIVE:/dev/eclipse/workspace/my_project” and you specify an output directory called “pldoc”, and you try to generate pldoc for a file located at “myschema/myschema_mypackage.pkh” then the output files will be generated at “DRIVE:/dev/eclipse/workspace/my_project/pldoc/myschema”.
PlDoc will only be executable from header files (pkh files).
PLEASE NOTE that pldoc does not like the SHOW ERRORS command to be at the end of your file. If you have that at the end of your header files, you may have to remove that for the process to work.
Schema Browsing
It ought to be noted that the schema browser will run a query against the database and make an attempt to retrieve information concerning every schema and package in the database. This is computationally and i/o operation intensive. Consequently, it is useful to filter out the schemas whose packages you do not need to see in the schema browser. These can be filtered by specifying a list of regular expressions that, if matched will cause those matched schemas to be ignored (for the purpose of displaying the packages). It is useful for packages such as the SYS and CTX schemas.
This list of filters is specified on the Database Connectivity Setup page of the Preferences. An image of the default configuration is supplied here.
Viewing Grants To View grants on a particular Package (only packages at the moment) you can right click on a package and select Show Grants from the drop down menu. An example of this can be seen in the following image.
Loading Code into an editor from the database To load code from the database (that was not originally in your editor) for a particular Package (only packages at the moment) you can right click on a package and select Open Package from the drop down menu. An example of this can be seen in the following image
Navigating to a file You can navigate to a file from the schema browser view. To do this you must right click on a function, procedure or field inside a package and choose the "Go to File" action from the drop down menu. An example of this can be seen in the following image.